
Go thrive meaning
Go thrive meaning

We spoke with an administrator from Plainview Independent School District who likes to describe their school’s alternative education program as the place where the bold and determined students go-students who want to graduate early, have social and emotional issues or anxiety, or students who may have left the district due to a pregnancy. When he walked across that stage the next day, he was the first person in his family to achieve that goal. Administrators kept asking if he would be able to walk in graduation, and when he submitted his final class, the teacher confirmed that he did, indeed, pass his final course, and he could march with his classmates.

go thrive meaning

He spent lunch breaks and study hall taking credit recovery courses, and he had to work right up until the eleventh hour the night before graduation. When he finally came back to school, he was extremely motivated to graduate. We also heard a story about another young man from Chicago Public Schools who had gotten into a fight in school, was badly injured and had to spend time in the hospital. Through sheer determination, she added an entire year of college courses to her schedule during her senior year in high school, enough to fulfill her freshman year of college and enabling her to graduate in just three years.

go thrive meaning

We heard a story about one student in Spartanburg County School District One who wanted to get ahead for college because she knew she would not be able to afford all four years. In these conversations we continued to hear how many of the students have overcome challenging circumstances and persevered despite all odds to pursue their goals, and today they are thriving. Throughout the past several weeks we’ve had the opportunity to speak with many of the teachers and students who use Apex Learning digital curriculum throughout their districts. According to Meriam Webster, to thrive means to grow vigorously, to flourish, to progress toward a goal despite or even because of circumstance.

Go thrive meaning